More Website Templates @ - January28, 2013!

Paket Meeting

Sekolah / Retret
Meeting - Seminar
HargaRp.190.000 nett/personRp.275.000 nett/person
Fasilitas- Room Accommodation *
- 1 x Breakfast
- 1 x Lunch
- 1 x Dinner
- 2 x Snack with Coffee Break
- Meeting Room Rental
- Sound System
- LCD & Screen
- Government Tax
(Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku)
- Room Accommodation
- 1 x Breakfast
- 1 x Lunch
- 1 x Dinner
- 2 x Snack with Coffee Break
- Meeting Room Rental
- Meeting Materials
- Mineral Water
- Note pad
- Sound System
- LCD & Screen
- Government Tax
- Harga sudah termasuk Tax & Service.


 KAY_1299_a Ruang Meeting Cempaka brs7 brb5